Listen: The Answer is Your Truth!

“Listen to the voice within. It is your truth and your truth will free you.” ~ Michelle Weimer

I don’t know about you, but my children will often ask me if they can do or have something and if I say no, they will ask again later, hoping for a different answer.

I recently realized that I had been doing the same thing in my own life. I was struggling with a situation that was literally consuming me and I kept asking God to give me the answer to how to “fix” it. Of course, the answer kept coming to me deep down in my soul but because it wasn’t what I thought it should be or what I thought I wanted it to be, I would ignore it and ask again for the answer.

Finally, the voice deep down that had been whispering the answer started getting louder and louder until I could not ignore it anymore. It was demanding my attention! And so, I listened…I finally listened and what I heard was what I knew deep down was the truth and what I really wanted. When I took the “ear muffs” of fear off that were keeping me from hearing…I knew.

You see the self chatter of fear had been rambling on so loudly, I hadn’t been able to really listen to my heart. But when I did… I knew without a doubt that the voice that had been whispering all along, was right. I knew it was time to take action on what it had been telling me was the answer, my truth.

And I did! That was the first night I slept through the night without worry, stress or anxiety in nearly six months. I knew then that the calm that had come was a result of doing the right thing for me. It was the result of finally listening to the answer that had been speaking to me deep down in my soul for months. It was the result of knowing my truth and finally taking action on it.

So I ask you today, what is it that you keep asking for the answer to in your life? Have you taken the time to quiet the chatter of fear and really listen? The answer is there…however deep down or quiet it might be. If you ask and listen, the truth, your truth, will appear. And if you have the courage to step into it and take action, it will energize you like never before.  It will change your life.


I hope this article was helpful and will serve as a reminder of how important it is to listen to the voice within. The answers are there if we will just be still and quiet our inner “chatter” (aka – fear) long enough to listen. Then trust in our truth and take action.

Now it’s your time to be heard. Leave a comment below and let me know what you think about this article. I want to hear from you. Share your thoughts, your truth, and your fears; along with how I can support you in making that truth your reality.

PS – Need a way to quiet the mind so that you can truly listen to the voice within? Check out one of my favorite sites: GAIAM where you’ll find resources for just that – meditation, yoga and more, all designed to help you achieve self-growth and live a healthy lifestyle.