by Michelle Weimer | Life Balance, Life Story, Masterful Mindsets, Mindset, Overcoming Fear, Spirituality, Transformational Change
Masterful Mindsets ~ Let the fire burn and find new growth among the ashes. “Some fires in life are necessary in order to clear the way for our own growth and survival.” ~ Michelle Weimer Question: Does it often feel like there’s a fire burning in your life?...
by Michelle Weimer | Goals, Healthy Living, Life Balance, Life Story, Masterful Mindsets, Mindset
Masterful Mindsets ~ Laugh Daily “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” ~ E E Cummings Question: Is laughter a regular part of your life? When was the last time you laughed so hard it brought tears to your eyes? When was the last time you laughed so...
by Michelle Weimer | Goals, Life Balance, Masterful Mindsets, Mindset, Success, Time Management
Masterful Mindsets ~ Dis-Organization and Clutter Steal Time “Don’t agonize, organize.” ~ Florynce Kennedy Question: How organized are you? Do you have a place for everything or do you feel disorganized and cluttered? When was the last time you de-cluttered and got...
by Michelle Weimer | Goals, Life Balance, Masterful Mindsets, Mindset, Success, Time Management
Masterful Mindsets ~ Freedom from The Dreaded “TO DO” List “Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks.” ~ Phillips Brooks Question: What does your To-Do list look like? Does it seem to grow and grow with no end in sight? What do...
by Michelle Weimer | Awareness, Goals, Life Balance, Life Story, Masterful Mindsets, Mindset, Success, Transformational Change, Transitions & Lifestyle Changes
Masterful Mindsets ~ Freedom from What’s Ruling Your Life Independence Day – a holiday celebrating the anniversary of a country’s independence from another country that ruled it in the past; especially: July 4 celebrated as a legal holiday in the...