by Michelle Weimer | Awareness, Goals, Healthy Living, Life Balance, Life Story, Masterful Mindsets, Mindset, Overcoming Fear, Self Love, Success, Transformational Change, Transitions & Lifestyle Changes
Masterful Mindsets ~ Don’t be a fool! There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. – Soren Kierkegaard Question: Are you being honest with yourself about your life? How often do you lie to...
by Michelle Weimer | Awareness, Goals, Healthy Living, Life Balance, Life Story, Masterful Mindsets, Mindset, Overcoming Fear, Success, Transformational Change, Transitions & Lifestyle Changes
Masterful Mindsets ~ Clearing Physical and Mental Clutter to Spark Joy “Imagine yourself living in a space that only contains things that spark joy.” ~ Marie Kondo Question: Does what you are hanging on to physically and mentally spark joy or get in your way? Are you...
by Michelle Weimer | Goals, Life Story, Masterful Mindsets, Mindset, Overcoming Fear, Spirituality, Success, Transformational Change, Transitions & Lifestyle Changes
Masterful Mindsets ~ Create Your Luck By Choosing Your Thoughts And Actions “I’m a great believer in luck, I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” ~ Thomas Jefferson Question: What are your beliefs around luck? Do you believe that having good luck is out...
by Michelle Weimer | Goals, Life Balance, Masterful Mindsets, Mindset, Overcoming Fear, Success, Transformational Change, Transitions & Lifestyle Changes
Masterful Mindsets ~ Spring Forward in Five Seconds! “The time is now. Stop hitting the snooze button on your life.” ~ Mel Robbins Question: How often do you get an impulse to take action on a dream or goal and then talk yourself out of it? How would your life be...
by Michelle Weimer | Masterful Mindsets, Mindset, Overcoming Fear, Spirituality, Transformational Change, Transitions & Lifestyle Changes
Masterful Mindsets ~ March into March with Courage! “You have a choice to let fear or faith rule your life. Which will you choose?” ~ Michelle Weimer Question: Do you let fear or faith rule your life? What do you worry about or fear most in life? How would your life...
by Michelle Weimer | Business & Career Coaching, Healthy Living, Life Balance, Masterful Mindsets, Self Love, Spirituality, Transitions & Lifestyle Changes
Masterful Mindsets ~ Hobbies Make Us Happy “Do what you love and love what you do.” Question: Do you have a passionate pastime that allows you to express, enjoy or develop yourself outside of your job? Do you give enough time to the things you love doing in life?...