by Michelle Weimer | Business & Career Coaching, Life Balance, Masterful Mindsets, Success, Transformational Change, Transitions & Lifestyle Changes
Masterful Mindsets – Love of Work is True Success… Happy Labor Day! “Let us realize that: the privilege to work is a gift, the power to work is a blessing, the love of work is success!” ~ David O. McKay Question: Do you work hard and show up...
by Michelle Weimer | Awareness, Masterful Mindsets, Relationships, Self Love
Masterful Mindsets – Relationships Require Effort “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~Buddha Question: How much effort do you put into the relationships you value most? Do you openly and freely...
by Michelle Weimer | Awareness, Goals, Life Story, Masterful Mindsets, Mindset, Overcoming Fear, Success, Transformational Change
Masterful Mindsets – It’s Possible ” – it’s possible.” ~ Les Brown Question: Do you have a dream that you have not made reality yet? Why? Do you fear failure or do you fear success? Do you believe it’s possible? Action...
by Michelle Weimer | Goals, Masterful Mindsets, Mindset, Overcoming Fear, Transformational Change, Transitions & Lifestyle Changes
Masterful Mindsets – Transform is a Verb “Transformation is not a future event. It is a present activity” ~ Jillian Michaels Question: What transformational changes have you been wanting to make? Have you been wanting to make them for a while? Are...
by Michelle Weimer | Masterful Mindsets, Relationships, Success
Masterful Mindsets – Surrounded By Greatness “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” ~ Mark Twain Question: Who do you spend most of...
by Michelle Weimer | Awareness, Goals, Life Story, Masterful Mindsets, Overcoming Fear, Self Love, Spirituality
Masterful Mindsets – What will define your character? “Our character isn’t defined by the battles we win or lose, but by the battles we dare to fight.” ~ Robert Beatty, Serafina and the Black Cloak Question: What battles are you fighting in...