Masterful Mindsets ~ The Last Time and Other Special Moments
“Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments.” ~ Rose Kennedy
What are some of your fondest milestone memories? When you look back do you wish you would have been more present and in the moment? Do you wish you would have taken it all in or given more of yourself in those moments?
Action Challenge:
It’s been a year of “lasts” for my family and the past couple weeks have been jam packed with them. We’ve had everything from the last ever middle school athletic event for my oldest daughter and the last ever elementary field day for my youngest daughter. To the simple stuff like the last Monday of their respective middle school and elementary careers. We’ve been celebrating and crying over the lasts a lot lately. Well, to be honest, I’m the one doing the crying… but we don’t need to get specific here. 😉 The point is…
When you are experiencing a milestone moment in your own life or the lives of those you know and love, it doesn’t matter how big or small it is, what matters is what you put into that moment. Being fully present. Taking it all in. And giving back with all your heart. That’s what makes moments magical.
In my recent blog post, Lessons Learned from Camp Jackson, I talked about being present and in the moment. This same thought couldn’t be more appropriate and truly essential then when talking about “lasts”. Even if you don’t have a child that is graduating on to the next chapter of their lives as I do with my girls this year, you undoubtedly have experienced and will continue to experience milestones and special moments in life.
My challenge to you is to take a deep breath and soak it all in. Celebrate each day and each moment. It may be a first or it may be a last kind of moment but each and every moment is equally special and should be lived fully. It’s so important because just as sure as there are going to be a lot of “firsts” in life, there will also be a lot of “lasts”. And regardless of where each particular moment you experience falls along that continuum, each is important. But those lasts… wow, they are bittersweet indeed. They come and go so quickly and when they are gone, they are forever gone. So as I mentioned before, be present, take it all in and give with all your heart. When you reach that final “last”, you’ll be glad you didn’t just reach milestones, but that you lived moments.
***I want to hear from you… Share your thoughts about this week’s topic below!