Masterful Mindsets – Living Your Purpose?

“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.”  ~Gautama Buddha

Question: Do you know what your life’s purpose is? Can you feel it deep in your soul? Are you living it?

Action Challenge: If you haven’t decided to give your whole heart and soul to your life’s purpose yet, then you are probably feeling unfulfilled. It can be scary but it is only when we do this, that we find true happiness. If you’re not sure what your purpose is, then spend some time this week journaling about what makes you truly happy. Or if you already know, then journal about how you are going to live that purpose. When fear and doubt come up, release them and refocus on what your heart’s desire truly is. If you need help, schedule a KickStart Session with me by clicking the button below and I’ll gladly guide you through the process.

Yes! I want a KickStart!