Masterful Mindset – Love Is…
“Love is…” ~ Kim Casali
What does love mean to you? What does love look like? Feel like? Act like? What is love?
Action Challenge:
When I was a little girl, I found a book titled, “Love Is…” by Kim Grove-Casali. She made the book from a series of love notes to her soon to be husband Roberto Casali. It was a funny little cartoonish book that had illustrated images of a couple in love doing mostly random acts of kindness for each other. Although, one of the most famous illustrations from the book had the caption, “Love is… being able to say you’re sorry.”
Anyway, it was a cute little book and yet so influential. I mean, here I am, close to 40 years later, writing about this book! For some reason, I was completely intrigued by it. Maybe it was the adorable little cartoon couple who looked so in love or maybe it was the message of how simple love can be. I still don’t know, but it always lifted my spirits and I’ve never forgotten it. So, on this day before the “official” Day of Love, aka Valentine’s Day, I thought it’d be fun and uplifting, to make your own little list. Below are a few of my beliefs about what “Love Is” from my list.
…sharing your favorite foods.
…giving someone your coat when it’s cold out.
…sending a loving message/text, just because.
…hugging tightly.
…warm, like the sun on your face on a bright summer morning.
…a shoulder to cry on.
…being able to have the best conversation without ever saying a word.
…random acts of kindness with no need for reciprocation.
…compassionate and caring.
…snuggling in bed on a cold evening.
…watching something you don’t love, with the one you do love because they love it.
…laughing together so hard that you cry.
…seeing the beauty in the little things.
…cherishing every moment together and appreciating how bittersweet the passing of it is.
…a soft touch, a kiss on the forehead and a squeeze of the hand.
There are so many more… I could write them forever and I can see why it was easy to write a book (several books actually) and even a comic strip that between Kim and later, cartoonist Bill Asprey, has been in print for decades.
My challenge to you is to make your own list of what “Love Is” to you and then make it a goal to share that love with the people that matter most to you in your life, each and every day… starting of course, tomorrow, with Valentine’s Day! Here’s to love!
***Want the book for yourself or someone you love? Although finding an original print like I had in the 70’s would be rare, you can still get books in the “Love Is” series… check it out – start HERE!
***I want to hear from you! Share from your “Love Is” list with me here or join me on Social Media and share on Facebook or Instagram.