Masterful Mindsets – Your Relationship with Money
“Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.” ~Will Smith
What is your relationship with money? I’ll be honest, I haven’t always had the best relationship with it. I grew up with a father who was born during the Depression. He spent his whole life working very hard for very little. So I don’t need to tell you that my own money story was one of negativity and lack. I’ve heard all the old sayings, many times:
>>> “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
>>> “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.”
>>> And the one that really used to get me, “Money is the root of all evil.”
Now I knew that my dad was well meaning. And I knew that his relationship with money was based on what he had experienced in his life. But I also knew I wanted a different relationship with money. I wanted to change my story. It took me many years and several lessons in abundance – but I still remember when it all really clicked for me…
I was sitting in my office after a long day of work when I first heard the powerful statement – money is nothing more than an amplifier. In other words, it is not money that makes a person bad or good. Money only has the ability to amplify what is already in us – our true character. For example, if you are someone that is generous and giving by nature, then having money will amplify your abundance mindset and open up more opportunities for you to give freely. I have a friend like this. She didn’t grow up with money but was always caring and giving. Now that she’s an adult and has financial freedom, she is still caring and giving but at an even higher level because money has helped her amplify her giving spirit. And by the same token, someone who is greedy or has questionable integrity will continue to be that way with or without money. Having money would just amplify their selfishness and greed.
When I heard this concept, that money was only an amplifier, it was like a light went on. It completely shifted my long time, deeply entrenched belief that money really was the root of all evil. And think about how important that is – you would never have an abundant life if you believed that money was bad. You’d subconsciously always find a way to keep it at a distance from you. After all – no one wants to draw something in close to them if they believe it is bad or evil.
This one shift in my belief was the beginning of a much healthier new relationship with money for me. I was able to begin rewriting my money story from that point forward. And to change other lack minded, limiting money beliefs too. No, I still haven’t found a tree that grows money… but I do believe that anyone can have abundance in life.
So what about you? Do you have a good relationship with money? If not, then what old limiting beliefs about money are keeping you from having a healthy relationship with it? It’s time to make peace with money and write a new money story for yourself. One that can bring abundance into your life. One that can amplify all the good you want in your life and one that will let money amplify all the good that is in you.
***Want to know more about how to create a loving relationship with money? I highly recommend “Money – A Love Story” by Kate Northrup
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***Join me for more on this subject during my Wednesday Wisdom, Facebook Live at 2:30pm Mountain (1:30pm PT, 3:30pm CT, 4:30pm ET) on my Facebook Biz Page: @CoachMichelleWeimer.