Masterful Mindsets ~ The Sneaky Stories Ruling Your Life
“When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.”
What underlying stories sneak up into your everyday language? How do they effect your life? Who wrote those stories for you? Are you ready to take back the pen and rewrite those stories?
Action Challenge:
Those sneaky subconscious stories are keeping you from showing up as your best self. Time for you to take the pen back and rewrite your own story.
Today I want to talk about those sneaky stories… I’ve spoken with several people over the last few weeks about this whole concept of what your life story really says about your life. So many have expressed to me that they don’t think they tell a bad story. Sure, they have lows but there are also highs. Which is most likely true for all of us. But it only takes a few minutes with people and almost immediately I identify some of the words they use in their everyday language that tell me they have a different subconscious story playing in their head. And that subconscious story is sneaky! So today I want to give you an example of how the words we speak are what we believe and how what we believe becomes our reality.
Let’s take Suzie Q – She tells her story as growing up in a pretty normal family. She’s a hard worker but she’s also super hard on herself. And for some reason, she just can’t figure out why she is so afraid to launch her new business. Of course, she doesn’t want to put it out there until everything is perfect, so she keeps working at it. She tries her best to do her best all the time because she says she learned at an early age from her parents, that you should always do your best. So far not a bad story, right? Then she goes on to tell me about how even when she does her best, it’s never quite enough. And that she’s rarely satisfied with her success. She believes she can always do better. So much so that she pushes herself to not just be a high achiever, but to be an overachiever. When I ask her where she thinks that belief comes from she tells me that her mother was very hard on her. She remembers several incidents where she was proud of something she’d done but her mom never quite seemed satisfied with her and almost always gave her “advise” on how it could be better. How SHE could be better. In that instant, I can easily identify the old story that is playing over and over in her head, holding her back from creating the life she desires.
See it doesn’t take a big dramatic story to create limiting beliefs in our head. Something that you may not even realize can be causing your subconscious to tell you that you are not enough. I mean after all, Suzie Q thought that she had a pretty normal upbringing, and for the most part, she did. But those repeated instances where her mother had told her that she could do better instead of praising what she’d done, turned in her mind to the story, “You are not good enough and nothing you do will ever be good enough unless it’s perfect.” And it’s this sneaky story that still plays over and over in her head every time she gets ready to step out of her comfort zone. It’s why she is so hard on herself and never accepts what she’s accomplished as enough to be proud of. As a child she was always seeking that approval from her mom. And as an adult, she tries to please others to earn their praise but somehow, it’s never enough to convince herself that she is enough. Because although she longs for approval, she refuses to give it to herself even though, that’s really where she need to get it from. So until she can rewrite that old story and heal the inner child, she will always struggle with being a people pleaser and an overachiever and those limiting beliefs will continue to hold her back from creating the life she so desperately desires.
My challenge for you is to read between the lines of the life story you wrote, through the eyes of the child in you. And if you didn’t write it, go back to last week’s Masterful Mindset Action Challenge and start there. What sneaky stories, that have been written by someone else in your life, are hiding in the words you still use in your life today? How can you take the pen back and begin to rewrite those stories so that you can heal the inner child? And don’t worry if you get stuck there. I know this can be difficult. That’s one of the reasons I’ve decided to do an intensive training on releasing your old stories and limiting beliefs at my upcoming Release and Receive Retreat. You can find out more about that at:
***I want to hear from you… Share your comments below.