Masterful Mindsets ~ Spring Clean Your Mind: Clear the Clutter Part 2


What old stories about your life are still cluttering up your mind? What negative thoughts, limiting beliefs or paralyzing fears do you need to spring clean from your mind? Are you ready to clear out all that clutter so you can rewrite your life store and be open to receiving all the new possibilities that await you?

Action Challenge: 

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your physical environment. Clearing out the negative thoughts, beliefs and fears that clutter up your minds can have enormous power to transform your life.

Clearing out the clutter of old stories, negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and unrealistic fears will open your mind to new, more positive, powerful and productive thoughts that can help you be your best and create the life you desire. Release the old and make room to receive the new. It’s time to Spring Clean Your Mind!

My Challenge to you is to start by paying attention to what you are thinking. Set a timer on your phone every few hours throughout the day. When the timer buzzes, stop what you’re doing and ask yourself what you were thinking. Awareness is the first step to change and sometimes our thought patterns are so deep and subconscious, that we don’t even realize we are thinking them. So setting a timer to catch yourself will help you pay attention to the thoughts and words that are in your head. Look for patterns that start to emerge of old stories, limiting beliefs or fears. Journal these thoughts.

Then do a Quick Sort of what’s cluttering up your mind. What do you need to get rid of because it does not serve you in a positive or productive way? What does serve you well that you will keep and work on growing? What new empowered thoughts or beliefs would you like to replace the old stories and fears with, once you’ve released them?

It’s time to clear out the clutter and make room for the new thoughts and beliefs that will empower you and move your forward into becoming your best true you!

***I want to hear from you… Share your comments below.