Thank You and Welcome to My New Site

I am so delighted to be introducing you to my new site. If you’ve known me for years then you are aware that I started my coaching business, Lone Tree Life Coaching, LLC with the site and then later added Your Best True You. Over the years I’ve made little updates to those sites but have never been able to capture who I really am with them. Or maybe it was that I have been in a constant state of evolution. Which is of course a good thing, we are always growing and changing. But it’s been difficult to have a site that could grow and change with me. Until now… is finally just me. And because it’s a WordPress site, it can be me, ever changing and ever transforming. After all, I am a transformation and success coach –  Makes sense that transformation take place in my own little world too. 🙂

Very shortly I will be adding new content into my blog and Ezine, and I would love to share my inspiration and wisdom with you. So I’d like to invite you to join me on this most amazing journey of life. Transforming your life.

If you haven’t received your copy of  Branch to Branch, you can do so by signing up in the box at the top right side of this page, it is part of my Transformational Change Starter Kit!  From there, you will automatically be added into my community and any time I write new content you’ll receive that information right to your inbox! But rest assured, I love my community and value your trust. I will never sell, trade or give your information to anyone.

Thanks again for visiting my new site….glad that you came!




Owner of Lone Tree Life Coaching, LLC