Masterful Mindsets – The Wind Will Blow… What Will You Do?
Have there been times in your life when the winds of change have blown in and you’ve taken shelter away from it rather than letting yourself take flight from its powerful magnificence? Have you gone dormant in this season of your life? What will it take for you to awaken, like the flowers of spring, to take charge and create change in your life?
Action Challenge:
As I write this, the spring wind is blowing like crazy here, in true Colorado spring weather fashion. My husband is mad because the wind blew out the grill and supper got cold before it was cooked. How many times has that happened to you? An idea or dream for something great gone cold because some adversity blew in and put out your flame? But let’s face it… the seasons of our life will change, the wind will blow and the circumstances of our life will not always be ideal. Persevere anyway! You can take charge of yourself and how you choose to show up in every situation in your life. Every obstacle can be an opportunity. Every trial a chance to triumph.
So what did we do about supper? We lit the grill again, we got more attentive and serious about our task and most importantly, we used the extra time necessary to cook, to enjoy each other’s company. It was an unexpected blessing that we choose to see in the midst of a “trying “ circumstance. We changed our perspective and we changed the situation. Oh, and as for supper… it was amazing – even if we did have to work a little harder and wait a little longer for it.
My challenge for you is to revisit something in your life that you’ve wanted to achieve but because of tough circumstances, you’ve given up on in the past. It’s time to take charge and change that outcome. Change your perspective and reignite your effort. Let’s get cooking and let this be the season that you change your life.
***I want to hear from you… share your thoughts about this week’s topic below.